Sunday, April 24, 2011

When we got this project assigned I was really excited about recreating a picture of myself from when I was younger.  However, as I started the process I found it to be much more difficult than I imagined.  The hardest part about this project was making the final image to look as similar as possible to the original one that taken over ten year ago.
I began by first looking though most of my childhood photos at my parent’s house.  I set aside pictures that I thought were practical to recreate.  The most important elements that I looked at were the background and clothing.  I came across this photo of myself from the summer of 1997 when I played softball.  I saw the mountainous background and basic T-shirt, hat and bat and knew that it would be a fairly easy picture to recreate.  With the help of my mom we found a shirt similar to the color of the one I was wearing along with a white hat and a bat.  We took multiple photos in the attempt to capture the picture to look almost identical to when it was captured when I was 6 years old.  The project was significantly harder than I thought it would be.  I am not a photographer, neither is my mom and we both found it difficult to get the lighting similar to the original photo.  It was also hard to get the pose to look just like the mine in the picture without having a full length mirror in front of me.  However, with the help of my mom we did the best we can to get this photo to look as similar to the original as possible.

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