Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Artist Statement: Stephanie Castillo

I chose Rosie the Riveter to recreate. Although she is a drawn figure, she is representative of a large female group. I thought it would be interesting to recreate because Rosie is a drawn figure. In order to recreate he look as closely as possible I searched for a demin shirt and a red bandana. One of the most difficult part was finding a denim shirt that best matched Rosies. Since Rosie is a drawing the most difficult part was deciding the emotion or facial expression I should have in the picture. After many takes I decide to go with the picture shown I feel it most closely represents Rosie.
Recreating this picture was very interesting because you don't normally think of all the details in a picture until they are missing. Making sure the shirt was matching, the bandana appeared the same not just in color but in shape once it was in place. Position of the arms is everything in this picture, didn't notice some differences untill comparing the photos.
Overall I am satisfied with the result, I believe the picture on its own would still be recognized as Rosie.

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