Monday, April 25, 2011

Photo Project Section C Heidi

Artist Statement By Mary Spyrka

For this specific photo project I choose to recreate a picture from when I was about seven years old. I choose this photo because I knew I could recreate this photo well, and I had the necessary props and clothing to recreate it. I really liked this photograph too because it captures a very candid moment of me just enjoying a Starbucks drink. I also think this picture is kind of humorous, because at age seven, I probably shouldn’t have been drinking a large Starbucks coffee. In order to recreate the photo, I put on a gray sweater; which looks very similar to the one I’m wearing in the original, and got a similar looking Starbucks coffee to drink out of. I had my friend Carly take the picture, and with her help, she was able to put me in a position that was similar to the original photograph. The only problem with the recreated photograph is that the table and the background do not match the original, but I tried my best to make the two photographs look alike. Overall, after looking through dozens of old photographs while I was home, I was very happy to find a simple and easy one that I was able to recreate. I enjoyed this project because the creating process allowed me to look at old photographs and made me reminisce about all my wonderful childhood memories.

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