Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spaghetti Face

My father-in-law is a skilled and enthusiastic photographer. Naturally, my father-in-law wanted in on this photo recreation project and I was more than happy for the help! We looked through an assortment of photos of me as a child.  As soon as we came across the spaghetti face picture, he said “that one.” My wife excitedly seconded the motion. Through the help of my wife and her parents, we were able to capture quite a few details of the original photo, especially the more prominent ones.
It was a fun project! How often do adults get to eat like 2-year-olds? I enjoyed it this messy revisit of my childhood.

P.S. My wife was a good sport when I went and kissed her after the photo was taken, thus smearing the spaghetti sauce all over her as well. I figured she might want in on some more of the fun!

-Mark H.